We're Getting Married!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Post on Writing Site

New blog post on my website for all things related to my writing!


Please feel free to check it out, along with all the other cool information on the site.


Superheros aren't the only people to wear capes!

Yesterday, I came down with a nasty case of the flu. It's time like these that I realize how awesome my mom is and how much I take her for granted. My mom and I haven't always been great friends, though recently we've become closer (and more tolerant of each other). However, I am naturally an independent spirit, and it isn't until I truly can't provide for myself that I fully recognize how much I need other people--especially my mom.

My mom is like a shaman, a healer. She has studied natural healing methods and proved them, time and time again. Most families go to doctors and resort to pills, etc., when sickness arises, but she has healed us countless times with her natural remedies.

(Natural, as in using plants and herbs that God intended for healing us; not to be confused with black magic or sorcery. She owns natural teas and uses a lot of Homeopathic medicines and mixes herbs together...I've learned some of her methods but I would like to learn all of them before I move out.)

She is knowledgeable about what foods to eat and what not to eat when one is afflicted with a certain illness. Plus, my mom is Wonder Woman when it comes to the mental courage and the stomach strength to clean up after her children when sickness prevails over them. (I wouldn't want to scrub down the bathroom floor when someone missed the toilet even if it wasn't me who was sick, not to mention when I am the person getting sick all over the place.) Nothing is too gross for my mom: she cares enough for me, and the rest of her 7 children, to wordlessly clean up our messes, wash our soiled clothes, scrub appliances, make cup after cup of tea, and take care of our chores when we are unable to do so.

Now I understand why she's the Relief Society of our Ward. She's one of the most compassionate, helpful, selfless people I know.

Thank you for everything, Mom. I love you.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

As posted on Facebook...

Contemplating my life as it is now, I've recognized that it's not what I want it to be. I'm not content with merely living, so as my first step to "spring clean" my life, I'm deleting my Facebook account. This will allow me much more time to achieve what's most important: my dreams. If I ever reopen my Facebook, it will be to announce the completion of OUR CARAMEL SEA, which is a few years overdo. So, au revoir, Facebookers!

P.S. If you'd like to check up on me, there are a few ways to do so:

1. Email! (I'm not giving it out here; refer to #2 to get my address.)

2. Call or text me at 801-897-0826.

3. Visit my beauty blog (for inquiries about model shoots, comment on a post or refer to #2) at http://confidenceb.blogspot.com/

4. Visit my writing website (I need to revamp it, but you can contact me through it and I'll post updates about my books and writing on the blog) at www.jilliansuzannnewell.webs.com

5. Visit my personal blog (which I haven't used for ages but might in the future, especially to post pictures as I would have on Facebook) at http://andchocolatetoo.blogspot.com/

6. Talk to me in person!

Thanks everyone for being my friends! Even though stalking you has set my life offtrack, I still love you. ;)

Talk to you later!