We're Getting Married!

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Master Cleanse - Day Three

Today was...interesting.

Let me explain. First, I awoke at 5:30 with the desperate need for the bathroom. It was all mostly a blur, as I was so lightheaded I could hardly walk. As it was about the time to get ready to go to seminary, my mom was awake. We discussed my condition: I was lightheaded and my stomach was upset, and we agreed seminary wasn't in our best interest at that moment. Mom prepared half a quart of warm-temperature salt water (something the manual suggests) as a second laxative/cleanser.

Ew. I don't even like gargling salt water. Upon downing the salt water, my stomach quelled and I wasn't sure if I would keep it down. I eventually fell back asleep, only to awake two hours later to relieve myself again.

Throughout the day I felt lightheaded and nauseated--with a burning desire for food. The lemonade is actually quite lovely when you're starving, though in my opinion hardly filling. I made sure to drink as much lemonade as I could, and it seemed to help. However, after only liquids for so long, my gag reflex couldn't take much more.

I decided to drink water between each cup of lemonade, which seemed to even out the taste.

Now, at 10pm, I am no longer nauseated, though still lightheaded. The manual claimed that many on the diet actually felt worse during it, because of all the toxins and poisons that are stirred up during the cleansing, to which my mom attributed my situation.

From testimonies I've read, I think my excessive light-headedness is unique to my hypoglycemia-or-whatever, as this morning when I stood up my vision went black and I thankfully collapsed on my bed--not the floor.

This is my experience; I'm certain if you begin this cleanse it will be different for you.

Today has perhaps been one of the longest of my life.
That Lemon Raspberry muffin my mom promised me sounds REAL good right now.
One more day before I start going off the diet, which means a full day of orange juice, and one day of vegetable broth (yum!/yuck, though I'm sure the broth will taste lovely then), and then I can finally eat a vegetable soup. The next day I will be able to eat hard food, though the manual warns against meat, milk, and the obvious crap food I usually eat. My mom and I intend to keep food diaries.

Hope you're all active and healthy and not enjoying food! =P

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