We're Getting Married!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

China Fundraiser Update

I recently received an email from the lady who runs the accounts at International Language Programs; she informed me of all the donations that have been made in my name for my trip to China. ILP donations alone (excluding garage sales and personal donations) I've raised $955! My parents and I have split the cost of what we need to raise ($1210 each) and my side has been covered and my parents' side is getting close to being paid off!

Thank you so much to all who have donated to my cause, and anyone who has helped in any way at all. (Thank you to everyone who will help us!) I very much appreciate you and your efforts; you are a huge blessing to my family and me.

If you would like information on how to support my cause, you can call me at 801-897-0826 or email me at breatheonlylove@live.com or comment on this post!

And/or you can send a monetary donation to

International Language Programs
299 East 950 South
Orem, UT 84058

Please make checks payable to ILP and make sure to add: Jillian Newell, China, Fall 2011 somewhere on the envelope or inside the letter. There are official contribution forms that I can give you if you are interested. (I can also send you my official fundraiser letter.)

You can also check out ILP at www.ilp.org or call them at 801-374-8854 or email them at office@ilp.org.

Thank you so much!

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