We're Getting Married!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


A few months back my wonderful Stake Presidency planned a trip for the Priests and Laurels (youth ages 16-18) in the Stake to go to the historically significant town of Palmyra, New York.
At four o’clock in the morning of the 16th, the Stake Presidency, their wives, and approximately two dozen youth clambered into a charter bus, either excited or wondering why they ever got out of bed or both. To pass the time, we played games, chatted, or slept (or tried to). Things were going relatively according to plan, until eight hours later we realized our bus driver was following the coordinates to Elmira, New York, 81-miles south of our destination. Once we were redirected, we ate a lunch of sandwiches, cookies, and chips on the bus.
Finally, around 1:30 P.M., we reached the Palmyra Visitor’s Center. We were tired and stiff but behind schedule, so we promptly joined a tour of the Smith Farm. We toured the Smith Log Home, the Smith Frame Home, the Smith Threshing Barn and Cooper’s Barn. It’s always amazing to know you’re walking where the Prophets have walked—in this case the Prophet Joseph Smith.
We proceeded into the Sacred Grove, a place that never ceases to amaze and change me. President Shumard challenged us as individuals to go off on our own and open our hearts to the promptings of the Holy Spirit that is so prevalent there.
At a quarter to six, we met again at the Visitor’s Center and walked to the shuttle bus that was to take us to the Hill Cumorah for the Palmyra Pageant. There, we met up with Leilani Gehrig, who showed us to the seats her family had graciously reserved for us. Kelda, Aunt Karen and Uncle Bruce all found me and it was nice to catch up.
We ate dinner and socialized for a couple hours before the pageant started. Members of the cast, clad in Book of Mormon-period clothes, meandered through the audience greeting us and thanking us for coming.
When the sky grew dark, the pageant began. It told the Book of Mormon story, from Lehi and his family fleeing Jerusalem to Moroni burying the plates in the Hill Cumorah, and also of Joseph Smith finding the plates and restoring the Church in the latter days. The costumes were colorful and beautiful, the set was grand and awe-inspiring, and the special effects were mind-blowing; a gorgeous representation of an incredible story.
As soon as the pageant ended, we pushed our way through the crowd and clambered back onto our bus for another long and mostly sleepless (I speak for myself at least) ride. Eight o’clock the next morning we arrived at the Stake Center where our parents met us to take us home.
Without a doubt, that trip was the craziest 28 hours of my life—but so spiritually uplifting and enjoyable that I’d do all again in a heartbeat.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Youth Conference 2010

The Valparaiso, IN, Stake invited my stake for YC this year. Devotionals, a dance, service projects (I cleaned up trash. Fun!) and a day at the beach. I made new friends and better friendships with old friends!

So much fun.

Me, Hailey Stringer, Haven Kohrman, Ashley Olson

Girl's Camp 2010

June 14-18.

Best year of girls camp because I kept myself busy and involved. I was a YCL over the fourth years. We went on a killer high adventure bike ride.

Loved it all!

Springfield, Hannibal, Nauvoo Trip

The week of June 7, my family went on vacation to Springfield, IL, historic site of Abraham Lincoln, to Hannibal, MO, setting of Mark Twain's "Tom Sawyer", Carthage Jail where the Prophet Joseph Smith was martyred, and to Historic Nauvoo.

The temple is my favorite I've been in up-to-date. So spiritual; you can feel the spirits of the Pioneers.

Amazing trip.

Last Day of Work

June 14.

Because of my busy out-of-town schedule for the summer, I had to quit my job at Soho Fashion. I'll miss my wonderful Mall friends.

Kyung Min, sweetest girl ever

Joshua Coleman, Mall Grandpa

John, my Mall Dad


Shane Byerley, Mall Brother

Lindsay Losher, my manager. Love her!

Carroll High School Prom

May 15.

Today was my first real school dance experience. My boyfriend, Will, took me to his Senior Prom with a group of our friends. We ate at Don Hall's Factory and then took pictures. Some of the pictures Will is missing, because his band FIRE EAGLE LAZER DANGER! was opening at the dance and he had to leave early to set up.

I had a blast. To be honest, it was definitely a new experience for me. Nothing like Church dances, that is true. Will is LDS and that took a lot of pressure off me. =)

Wonderful night.

(Because Blogger is dumb, the order of the photos is backwards.)