We're Getting Married!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

As posted on Facebook...

Contemplating my life as it is now, I've recognized that it's not what I want it to be. I'm not content with merely living, so as my first step to "spring clean" my life, I'm deleting my Facebook account. This will allow me much more time to achieve what's most important: my dreams. If I ever reopen my Facebook, it will be to announce the completion of OUR CARAMEL SEA, which is a few years overdo. So, au revoir, Facebookers!

P.S. If you'd like to check up on me, there are a few ways to do so:

1. Email! (I'm not giving it out here; refer to #2 to get my address.)

2. Call or text me at 801-897-0826.

3. Visit my beauty blog (for inquiries about model shoots, comment on a post or refer to #2) at http://confidenceb.blogspot.com/

4. Visit my writing website (I need to revamp it, but you can contact me through it and I'll post updates about my books and writing on the blog) at www.jilliansuzannnewell.webs.com

5. Visit my personal blog (which I haven't used for ages but might in the future, especially to post pictures as I would have on Facebook) at http://andchocolatetoo.blogspot.com/

6. Talk to me in person!

Thanks everyone for being my friends! Even though stalking you has set my life offtrack, I still love you. ;)

Talk to you later!

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