We're Getting Married!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nauvoo Trip

July 8-9, my stake presidency took all the Priests and Laurels in the Fort Wayne Indiana Stake to Nauvoo, IL. We left on Friday at 4:30AM, drove the 7 hour ride to Nauvoo, toured the city, saw the Pageant, ate dinner at the Nauvoo Hotel, bought fudge, and drove back home at midnight. Our parents picked us up at 7:30 Saturday morning. It was one heck of a trip! I made a lot of friends and had a great time spending time with old ones, too.

Nauvoo is such an incredible place.As we walked past the temple, I was transfixed. I literally could not take my eyes off it. There is such a feeling of reverence and sacredness as I've only felt in places like the Sacred Grove. It is one of my top Get Married In temples, for sure.

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