We're Getting Married!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Assignment in China

As an update from my last entry, I have been assigned to a school in China. I will be teaching at the Zhongshan Bond Language Institute, located in Zhongshan City, Guangdong, PRC. It was my second preference, but I am very happy and extremely excited. Zhongshan is in the southern region of China, and is close to Hong Kong. It has tropical weather year-round, as it's near the equator.

Last weekend, my family threw a garage sale that benefited the cause: all of the proceeds will go to my tuition toward China. We made about $300! I will continue to have fundraisers until I leave. I'm also working two jobs: one at Forever 21 in the mall and one at Pizza Hut. I enjoy both.

Dad bought me a Chinese for Dummies book and there is a new young woman in my ward who is willing to teach me the basics of Mandarin--or there's always Google Translator. Either way, I have my work cut out for me this summer!

1 comment:

Kirsti said...

Way to be little sista! I am so proud of you already! I cannot wait to hear about all your adventures! :D