We're Getting Married!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August 31

Class was great today, though more kids acted up and it was little bit more hectic. My first 3 rotations were all angels, while my last 3 rotations were all pretty wild.
Abby and I went to the supermarket and bought ice cream. It was amazing, but almost too sweet for me, which is weird because I've always been such a sweet freak. Plus, it was chocolate and I could hardly finish it. Today was super hot and humid, so we took a bong bong, or a Rabbit, home. It's a tiny 3 wheeled car that chugs as it drives. Ours stalled for a moment even; it has very little power and we were kind of afraid for our lives, but it was exciting. They're such cute looking vehicles and could almost fit in my suitcase. Almost.
I ate chicken neck today at dinner. There was hardly any meat on it and the vertebrae cracked as I bit into it. It tasted great but was way too difficult to eat for me to finish.
Mostly chilled out all day; it's too hot to do much. Watched a movie with a few of the girls. Hopefully we can go to the beach soon: I forgot to mention that I have a view of the ocean from my apartment sun room. If it wasn't for the noisy toilet that doesn't flush paper, or the cracks in the walls, or the rock hard beds, or the rust all over the bathroom appliances, or the limited shower space, or no A/C, or the cockroaches in the freezer, this would be paradise.

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