We're Getting Married!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I am currently staying with the Escalantes, who are family friends of several years, in Orem, UT. Today, I completed my first day of Head Teacher training for ILP; last week, I attended volunteer training. It has all gone well and I’ve learned so much, which is why I feel like my head may explode from being so full. I will have so many new responsibilities as Head Teacher, such as acting as an administrator/liaison with the host school in Moscow, a training facilitator and advisor for the volunteer teachers, and administrator for the ILP office back in Orem. I’m kinda like the mama bear. I received the profiles of my three teachers: Whitney Priestley, Michelle Perkins, and Ally Sandoval. I’m quite relieved my group is so small, actually. It will be easier to take care of them and handle situations for and with them. Training has been very helpful in calming me. It’s a lot of responsibility, but I appreciate having an idea of what I’m actually supposed to be doing.

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