We're Getting Married!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Master Cleanse - Day Four

I'm all over the place.

Early this morning, my mom went to the health foods store and ran into my masseuse/health nut friend, and together they agreed that I was too young and petite to continue the diet any longer. So my mom bought pure orange juice and she and I started our first day going off the diet today.

Another reason we decided to go off the diet so early is because I've already lost three pounds--in two weeks I'd be little more than a skeleton.

I just realized I should probably give you a run-down of the whole process:

Night before Day 1: Drink a detox tea.

Day 1: Drink six-or more glasses of the lemonade/maple syrup/cayenne concoction, depending on hunger. That and purified water are all to be taken.

Night of Day 1: Drink a laxative tea.

Day 2-however long you decide to stay on the diet: Repeat Day 1 process.

Day 1 of Going off Diet: Drink 6 glasses or more of pure (organic) orange juice.

Day 2 of Going Off Diet: Alternate between glasses of orange juice and vegetable broth (must be vegetarian).

Day 3 of Going Off Diet: Satiate hunger with fresh fruit or vegetables/vegetable soup.

Day 4 of Going Off Diet: Your system is now ready to digest hard food again. The manual advises against meat, milk products, and obviously unhealthy food. They are the things which put the toxins in your body in the first place...

So that's the process. Simple enough. Easy? No.

Today, I remained lightheaded, and actually felt real hunger. This is because of the orange juice, which I actually have to digest, making my empty stomach work. I daresay this orange juice is HEAVENLY, however. =D

Whenever I tell anyone about this diet, they think I'm crazy. It's been proven to work, but I don't really FEEL healthier, or cleansed. My mom assures me that I'll feel the difference if I eat something unhealthy, something which I sort of experience on Sunday. After partaking of the fluffy white bread for the Sacrament, I instantly felt bloated. I'm fairly certain my system will react similarly in the future to junk food.

It's a strange thing, actually. Even before the diet, the ill feeling I get when I ate junk food is almost all the incentive I need to be a total health nut. I can compare how I feel when I eat healthily and when I don't, and I definitely prefer the former.

Although it's one step closer to food, I'm not particularly excited about the vegetable broth: It's rather...not tasty. After this diet, however, it may be wonderful.

I'll let you know.

By the way, if you're like me and enjoy finding new, good musical bands and songs, here are a few I've discovered recently (or just recommend):

Anastacia - Catchy pop. I recommend "Absolutely Positively" and "I Call It Love".

Anberlin - Sometimes hard rock, sometimes soft and melancholy, with great vocal, I have yet to find a song of theirs with vulgar language. I recommend the albums "Never Take Friendship Personal" or "Blueprints of the Black Market" though I love the singles "Breathe" and "Inevitable".

The Cab - Catchy rock/pop/alternative, and the vocalist's voice makes me melt. I recommend the singles "This City is Contagious" and "Vegas Skies".

Dave Barnes - A lot of piano with guitar. Relaxing. Shiver-worthy voice (seriously). I recommend "Until You" (which I think is one of the most perfect songs ever) and "On a Night Like This".

Emerson Hart - Relaxing and catchy...alternative? I guess. I recommend the single "I Wish the Best For You".

He Is We - acoustic alternative. All of their songs that I've heard are incredible. Recommend "Happily Ever After" and "I Wouldn't Mind."

Train - Very catchy rock/alternative. You probably know them from their singles "Calling All Angels" or "Drops of Jupiter". I love their new album, "Save Me, San Francisco" and recommend the songs "This Ain't Goodbye", "Marry Me", and especially "Hey, Soul Sister."

Hope you like the suggestions!

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