We're Getting Married!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Master Cleanse - Day Two

I apologize for the abrupt ending to my last entry--my parents insisted I get off the computer, since Day Light Savings pushed the clock forwards.

All that I had left to say was pretty much that I was sipping a laxative tea. The more passing I do, the more my body is cleansed, to put it simply.

So, day two. Resisting the temptation to eat was much, much easier today--though not altogether easy, I'll admit. Once or twice I felt slight hunger pains in my stomach, but miraculously I didn't feel starved. I only felt lightheaded. I'm not sure if this is typical, though my mother is experiencing the same effect, but genetically we have very low blood pressure and are prone to faintness (and fainting...ouch!). So perhaps the lack of food simply magnified my condition; I just made sure not to stand up too quickly or exert myself. Even wrestling with the dog was like a cardiovascular work-out.

I suppose I should add, come early this morning, the laxative tea did its job. Not too pleasant, but I felt much better afterward.

Although the recipe may not sound pleasant (pure lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper) I can't really complain about the drink. One is able to adjust the recipe for one's needs, also. For example, if you're using the diet to lose weight, decrease the amount of maple syrup. Because I was having a difficult time stomaching the cayenne, I decreased the amount and it tastes just fine now.

To be honest, I'm rather proud of myself...and surprised at how okay I feel. I mean, I thought fasting for two meals was a killer! And yet after two days I'm still alive. =)

My mom informed me today, because of my young age and small stature, that she only wants me to stay on the diet until Wednesday, for four days in total. And perhaps we'll do this same routine every month, instead of two weeks four times a year, etc.

I think I can do that, especially if this proves to work.

I'm drinking another laxative now.
Talk to you tomorrow!

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