We're Getting Married!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

September 17-Shoe Heaven

Today was a great day. I slept in until 10:30AM, the first time I've slept in past 7 since the States, and then went to lunch, but apparently the power had gone out so the ovens were down and there wouldn't be food for almost an hour. So we went back to the dorms--I was starving, so I ate an apple and a tofu stick. It reminded me of wet cat food, but tasted fine. Then Maren, Kelli, Kaylee and I hopped on the bus for Big World, a shopping center downtown. They have a "shoe heaven" or a level dedicated to shoes. There are also bags and clothes and everything else. I bought a pair of AMAZING polka dot stilettos with bows on the heels. I haven't worn stilettos since...maybe June. I usually wear them every Sunday or any chance I get--I love heels. So I was euphoric. We bought incredible street food, which was a large piece of fried chicken on a skewer rolled in some kind of sauce. Holy crap, it was tasty. I had three before we headed home. Then we went to the Happy Gate, which is world famous.
In two weeks is our long vacation, and Kaylee, Kelli, Maren and I are going together. We'll take the same train as the rest of ILP to Guilin and Yongshuo, but the four of us will stay as a group when everyone else splits up to do their own thing. The four of us (Kaylee, Kelli, Maren, and I) are insane, so we expect to have a grand ol' time. I adore Abby and we get along well, but she and Kristin have been hitting it off and she's going with Kristin and Cami and Marie to Guilin.
Anyway, yeah. I'm a British American in China, apparently. I really am loving China; sometimes I get homesick, but God has this sense of humor that gets me every time. It's crazy, but countless times, when I start to doubt the worth of something incredible (like my time in China) God steps in and does something to brighten my day and prove to me that things really are in His capable hands. That happened today, when my day went smoothly and I had incredible food and so many things went right and I absolutely enjoyed my day in Weihai, proving to me that I'm supposed to be in China and I can love life no matter where I am in this world.

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